Binary Neutron Star Mergers a Review of Einsteinã¢â‚¬â„¢s Richest Laboratory

Title: r -procedure nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergers [On r -process nucleosynthesis from affair ejected in binary neutron star mergers]


Here, when binary systems of neutron stars merge, a very small fraction of their residue mass is ejected, either dynamically or secularly. This textile is neutron-rich and its nucleosynthesis provides the astrophysical site for the production of heavy elements in the Universe, together with a kilonova signal confirming neutron-star mergers equally the origin of brusque gamma-ray bursts. Nosotros perform full general-relativistic simulations of binary neutron-star mergers employing three different nuclear-physics equations of state (EOSs), considering both equal- and unequal-mass configurations, and adopting a leakage scheme to business relationship for neutrino radiative losses. Using a combination of techniques, nosotros comport out an extensive and systematic study of the hydrodynamical, thermodynamical, and geometrical properties of the matter ejected dynamically, employing the WinNet nuclear-reaction network to recover the relative abundances of heavy elements produced by each configurations. Amongst the results obtained, three are particularly important. First, we find that, inside the sample considered here, both the properties of the dynamical ejecta and the nucleosynthesis yields are robust against variations of the EOS and masses. 2d, using a bourgeois simply robust benchmark for unbound matter, we observe that the amount of ejected mass is ≲10–iii M⊙, hence at least ane social club of magnitude smaller thanmore » what normally assumed in modelling kilonova signals. Finally, using a simplified and gray-opacity model we appraise the observability of the infrared kilonova emission finding, that for all binaries the luminosity peaks around ~ane/two day in the H-band, reaching a maximum magnitude of –13, and decreasing rapidly after one day.« less

[ii]; [1]; [2]; [3]; ORCiD logo[4]
  1. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt (Frg)
  2. Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany); GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany)
  3. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt (Germany); Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt (Germany)
  4. Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (Us)
Publication Appointment:
Research Org.:
Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (Us)
Sponsoring Org.:
USDOE Laboratory Directed Enquiry and Development (LDRD) Program
OSTI Identifier:
Alternate Identifier(s):
OSTI ID: 1411272
Report Number(s):
Periodical ID: ISSN 2470-0010; PRVDAQ; TRN: US1800818
Grant/Contract Number:
AC52-06NA25396; VH-NG-825
Resources Type:
Accepted Manuscript
Periodical Proper noun:
Concrete Review D
Additional Periodical Information:
Journal Book: 96; Journal Issue: 12; Journal ID: ISSN 2470-0010
American Physical Social club (APS)
Land of Publication:
United States
Subject field:
79 ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS; neutron star, mergers, r-process, kilonova

Citation Formats

Bovard, Luke, Martin, Dirk, Guercilena, Federico, Arcones, Almudena, Rezzolla, Luciano, and Korobkin, Oleg. r-procedure nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergers [On r-process nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergers]. United States: N. p., 2017. Web. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.96.124005.

Bovard, Luke, Martin, Dirk, Guercilena, Federico, Arcones, Almudena, Rezzolla, Luciano, & Korobkin, Oleg. r-process nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergers [On r-process nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergers]. United States.

Bovard, Luke, Martin, Dirk, Guercilena, Federico, Arcones, Almudena, Rezzolla, Luciano, and Korobkin, Oleg. Tue . "r-process nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergers [On r-process nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergers]". United states.

title = {r-process nucleosynthesis from thing ejected in binary neutron star mergers [On r-procedure nucleosynthesis from matter ejected in binary neutron star mergers]},
author = {Bovard, Luke and Martin, Dirk and Guercilena, Federico and Arcones, Almudena and Rezzolla, Luciano and Korobkin, Oleg},
abstractNote = {Here, when binary systems of neutron stars merge, a very small fraction of their rest mass is ejected, either dynamically or secularly. This material is neutron-rich and its nucleosynthesis provides the astrophysical site for the product of heavy elements in the Universe, together with a kilonova signal confirming neutron-star mergers as the origin of short gamma-ray bursts. We perform full full general-relativistic simulations of binary neutron-star mergers employing iii unlike nuclear-physics equations of land (EOSs), because both equal- and diff-mass configurations, and adopting a leakage scheme to business relationship for neutrino radiative losses. Using a combination of techniques, nosotros carry out an extensive and systematic study of the hydrodynamical, thermodynamical, and geometrical backdrop of the matter ejected dynamically, employing the WinNet nuclear-reaction network to recover the relative abundances of heavy elements produced by each configurations. Among the results obtained, three are particularly of import. First, we discover that, inside the sample considered here, both the properties of the dynamical ejecta and the nucleosynthesis yields are robust against variations of the EOS and masses. 2d, using a bourgeois but robust criterion for unbound matter, we notice that the corporeality of ejected mass is ≲10–3 1000⊙, hence at least i order of magnitude smaller than what normally causeless in modelling kilonova signals. Finally, using a simplified and gray-opacity model we assess the observability of the infrared kilonova emission finding, that for all binaries the luminosity peaks around ~one/2 day in the H-band, reaching a maximum magnitude of –13, and decreasing speedily afterward 1 solar day.},
doi = {ten.1103/PhysRevD.96.124005},
journal = {Physical Review D},
number = 12,
book = 96,
place = {United States},
year = {Tue Dec 05 00:00:00 EST 2017},
month = {Tue Dec 05 00:00:00 EST 2017}

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Cited by: 27 works

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